About Me
I am licensed clinical social worker with over 25 years working with individuals, families, organizations, and institutions to facilitate change. My career has been focused on understanding the conditions that support change and removing barriers to change. License number: 085136
M.S.W., Binghamton University
M.Ed., Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University
Concentration: Human Development and Psychology
B.A. with High Honors in Psychology, Rutgers College, Rutgers University
Therapist, Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca
Outpatient psychotherapy for adults, teens, children and families at a community counseling center.
Intern Therapist, Children and Youth Program, Tompkins County Mental Health Clinic
Conduct intake appointments and provide psychotherapy for children ages 5-19 and their families. Observe dialectical behavior therapy group for teenage girls.
Alcohol Projects Coordinator, Cornell University
Oversee health promotion activities to reduce the harmful consequences of high risk alcohol and other drug use among university students.
Program Development Specialist, New Jersey Collegiate Consortium for Health in Education. Rutgers University.
Direct statewide network of 275 professionals representing over 50 colleges, universities, state agencies and community-based organizations and oversee programmatic direction of 2 grant-funded community-oriented projects designed to support the prevention of HIV disease.
Continuing Education/ Specialized Training
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training & Advanced Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS)
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASSIT)
Honors / Awards
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Alpha, National Social Work Honor Society
Henry Rutgers Honor Scholar
Rutgers University Administrative Merit Award
Community Service
Ithaca for Obama
Cayuga Dog Rescue
Chai Project, an harm reduction AIDS prevention program
Family Friends, a not-for-profit by parents for parents